Saturday, September 19, 2009

Working with my hands. And the green eyed monster

So it's Fashion Week in Edmonton! Don't be surprised if that shocks and flummoxes you. It's not well known. We're a big city, and we are obsessed with festivals, and fashion is no different. Is ours run by a large marketing conglomerate like all the others? No, ours is run by a local who spends her life planning and executing. The execution of the show is... debatable. But it makes for a good time. Find out more here.It's the most affordable fashion week I know of, it costs very little to show a line, and does provide some legitimate press for the designers. As an former volunteer, and as a girl who attended with some besties last night, there are a few things I have learned

1) I would like to show something at some point but only if
a)my work was clean and finished looking
b)my line represented one theme
c)my clothing was representative of an original viewpoint
d)all my models were wearing tights or shorts if in shorter clothing, so the poor audience doesn't get a full monty every 30 seconds

2) The marketing may not target the younger fashion oriented within Edmonton, and instead seems to be about marketing the show towards developing professionals in the industry. This means everyone within the fashion world in Edmonton has heard of it, and few others.

3) The humbler the designer, often the better the clothes in regard to fit and completion.

4) Sometimes smaller low budget affairs lead to entertaining "The O.ffice"-esque moments, which make the entire evening worthwhile.

5) When distributing prizes, don't tell the "chic new york designer" (read: U of A grad who moved to New York and has made some dresses... but not a tonne of commercial success)to call up "a bunch" of girls when you only have a "few" prizes. Hmmm. Akward.

How does this relate to Human Ecology? Well, program planning, marketing, and fashion are all really important to my personal interest in the field. It's the weekend, I know I'm kinda phoning this one in, but it's only Saturday.


  1. I always wondered about models wearing short skirts walking on a runway 4 feet above the audience. Um, doesn't everyone see right up their skirts? You confirmed it for me. Jeepers, that seems a bit unprofessional. Not to mention "ew."

    Here's what I don't get about fashion: 90% of people who buy clothing (1) can't afford a $4,000 dress and (2) even if they could, they wouldn't wear (and couldn't fit into) that tight leopard print skirt suit with funky George Washington black hat shown on the Edmont;on Fashion W.eek site. Maybe I'm not a fashionista, but yeah, how about something I might actually wear to the office, to a dinner party with friends, to a picnic?

    But silly me, what would those designers want with 90% of the market in their back pocket? No, no, no...we must create unusual, bizarre, freaky clothing that only a size 0 woman can wear. THAT'S how to become a famous designer. Apparently.

  2. Awwww! ha ha ha! That was grand! I loved it. best comment ever.Thanks BWUB! I totally agree. In High School, I wanted to create a magazine with models who were real ( Mart stole my thunder). Last year, my clothing line and store concept was called "clothes for good people" and it involved "looks" designed for all body sizes/shapes- so you can be you, but also wear what was flattering. Im so sick of skinny jeans on thick people with muffin tops I could cry.
